Lockdown life

Schools closed in Romania on 11 March and will not re-open until September. So now the children continue do their lessons online.  This has posed a few difficulties as they have only a small number of laptops and tablets and all of them need to work on them at the same time. Thankfully, two people have generously donated funds to buy two more, so that has made life a little easier.

Betty has taken on someone to help teach the younger ones as they are all at different stages and it is too much for the carers to take on. They have much to do already with cleaning, washing and cooking. Instead of working their usual 8-hour shifts two carers stay for two weeks at a time, to minimise to-ing and fro-ing beyond the houses. They have all been tested for the virus and are fine.

The little ones are finding it hard to do so much online learning – hardly surprising!  Betty felt Stefan was getting quite miserable, so she bought him some new Lego and he was thrilled. “How did you know that is exactly what I wanted to make me happy?” he asked her. He and Gabi built this pagoda of 1500 pieces in two days.

The older ones will still be taking their exams, and they are working hard.  Sometimes the school makes them do tests at 8 in the morning – not easy, especially for teenagers!



The girls are brilliant cooks!



The children miss their school friends and sometimes get bored but as Lala said:

“I like that we get to know each other better!”



If you would like to support the charity and help us meet the unexpected costs of lockdown learning you can make a donation here.

Many thanks for your support and generosity.