Non Formal Education Methodology in Schools & High Schools – Project

Starting from January 2021, Friends of Children in Romania is partner in the Erasmus Plus KA201 Project D-MANeD – Dance- Music -Arts – NLP – eLearning for Educators.
The Kick-Off Meeting was held online, via Zoom on the 12th of January, and it set-up the timeline and milestones of the project, the responsibility of each partner and deadlines.
Funding: The project is funded by The Dutch National Agency Erasmus+
Duration: The project lasts for 34 months, and
Partnership: The partnership involves: (1) SkillsUp Training & Research Services NL (2) Friends of Romanian Children RO (3) National College Anghel Saligny RO (4) Roes Cooperativa EL (5) Vassiliadi School (EL) (6) Center for Social Innovation CY (7) Grammar School CY (8) Friedenauer Schule DE.

The main purpose of the project is to address the needs of primary, gymnasium and high school teachers and educators working with minorities, fewer opportunities youth and rural youth in creating innovative approaches that are more inclusive, using digital environments, and dealing with emotional understanding. Thus, the project supports participants (prospective teachers) to deliver high-quality teaching that deals with the complexity of the learners by focusing their approaches on inclusion, improving attainment and continuing education as well as empowering learners.


TANGIBLE Results Include:

✏︎ The D-MANED pedagogical approach in teachers’ training and development – four Training Courses (IO2);
✏︎ The D-MANED survey to identify the teachers’ needs, as well as their interests, motivation to assimilate new teaching methods, approaches in non-formal and experiential education.
✏︎The D-MANED interactive handbook (IO1);
✏︎ Research reports and studies on online education and teachers’ training;
✏︎ D-MANED platform with courses for teachers’ professional development (IO4);
✏︎ Evaluation reports;
✏︎ D-MANED newsletters or information leaflets;
✏︎ D-MANED recorded tutorials (IO3);
✏︎ Blended Mobility for Young People in which we will involve the children in the partner organisation.


INTANGIBLE Results Include:

✏︎ Knowledge and experience gained by participants, learners or staff;
✏︎ Increased skills or achievements;
✏︎ Improved cultural awareness;
✏︎ The mission, vision and values of the project better language skills.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.