This car needs replacement!
It is the one that takes our little children to the kindergarten;
that takes Ionuts to the speech therapist, that takes Diana for her canto sesion and also takes Marcel for his drumbs sesios, that is used to fetch the gas bottles and the chicken food.
The wood is beeing boght now.
The £3,500 worth of wood heats all 3 houses and the Manager’s house and provides all the hot water from the woodburning stoves that Arada stoves from Dorset helped to provide many years ago.
This weekend we had a great birthday party. We celebrated Ali, Georgiana, and Lala.
Ali is now 14 years old, he is such a good boy, he is nice with everbody, he is helpful and he is always so joly.
Georgiana turned 14 as well, she is a clever girl, she studys realy hard at school and we are all proud of her.
Lala is now 7 years old, she is very calm, delicate and also elegant young lady. She stared school last year
Taking advantage of a fabolous sunny day we decided to a have a walk on the hills.
The little ones were very excited, they played on the grass, the picked flowers for Bety and the girls, they draked water from a beautiful stream , it realy was a lovely day.
Astazi am invatat de la un om simplu cat de frumoasa poate fi viata si am realizat cat de optimist poate fi un om cu dizabilitati. Simona persoana despre care vorbesc isi gaseste fericirea in lucruri mici si simple, are 42 de ani, este o fata cu nevoi speciala ce locuieste intr-un azil de batrani. A fost o placere sa stam de vorba cu ea, este un exemplu, un model pentru noi toti. Simona este o persoana speciala!
Intr-o zi insorita Beti a hotarat sa mergem intr-o miniexcursie. Pe drum am poposit la un restaurant sa ne potolim putin foamea, pe langa mancare am facut si o mica sedinta foto cu peisajul de acolo,care era superb. Dupa masa, am plecat spre locul nostru preferat…piscina!!! Am ajuns acolo foarte nerabdatori, ne-am balacit ore intregi fara sa realizam cum zboara timpul….A fost superb!!
Easter time in our family is one of the best time of the year. One the first day we all gather and have a perfect lunch time. It is the time when we are all together from the youngest to the oldest, we laugh, we tell storys and fortunately this year we had good weather and sunny days so we went walking, we had a great barbeque and lots of fun!
Dragi prieteni din Romania, va multumim pentru ajutorul acordat de-a lungul timpului. Dragi viitori prieteni, va multumim anticipat. Datorita numarului mare de prieteni, persoane interesate, vizitatori si implicare din partea voastra, varianta in limba romana este in lucru. Va promitem tuturor ca in curand vom posta stiri, activitati, proiecte.
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